12 Tips to make your voice sound sweet as pie. Naturally soften your voice.

Are you asking yourself – How Can I Sweeten My Voice?

We got you covered. A voice that is sweet and smooth can make you and others listening feel calm, happy, and even comforted. It can do wonders for your public speaking, phone calls, performing and singing sessions. This article will provide 12 tips to help you improve the way your voice sounds. Let’s get started.


1. Use vocal exercises to relax your voice

You can easily improve your voice by using vocal exercises. There are simple techniques that you can do in front of a mirror, and these include:

  • Breathing out loud slowly (with the mouth open, like when you yawn) for three seconds
  • Gently moving one’s lips or tongue up and down repeatedly without making any noise.
  • Humming on a certain note
  • Singing scales on different notes. Singing in the shower is another good way to improve your voice naturally without making any sound.
  • Lip buzzing
  • Deep breathing
  • Massaging your throat gently to loosen any tense muscles

2. Reduce your intake of dairy products

Milk and other dairy products are known to produce phlegm that can cause the vocal cords to become dry. It is recommended to limit these foods in one’s diet because they could make it difficult for the throat muscles to function smoothly.

If you do consume dairy, then consider drinking low-fat or non-fat varieties because these are easier for the body to digest.

3. Avoid harmful substances and habits

Habits like smoking, vaping, and drinking alcohol can harm your voice. For instance, smoking makes the vocal cords dry out due to dehydration, which reduces their ability to produce smooth sounds. Ever heard the smoker’s voice? It did not sound soft right?

Drinking too much coffee or tea is also harmful because caffeine constricts blood vessels in the throat region and causes inflammation of the vocal cords.

4. Practice and record yourself speaking like your favorite sweet-speaking celebrity

Record your own voice while you practice speaking the way you dream to speak. While listening to your own voice will sound creepy and even downright disgusting sometimes, it gives you a starting point and lets you know how you actually sound right now. You can then practice how to speak the way you really want to sound and track your progress with these recordings.

5. Practice good breathing techniques to improve the sound of your voice

When you inhale, make sure that the air fills up all parts of your lungs so you can produce a stronger sound. When you exhale, make sure that it comes out in a smooth rush without any gaps.

It is recommended to breathe from your diaphragm instead of the chest area because this helps improve one’s singing voice. You can try placing one hand over your belly while speaking and notice the difference between when the air flows smoothly through your vocal cords and when it is blocked.

When you feel nervous, try breathing in a circular motion by inhaling from the diaphragm and exhaling through your mouth with lips slightly apart.

6.Stay hydrated throughout the day

Drinking plenty of water helps keep the vocal cords hydrated, which allows them to produce smoother sounds. You can also consider adding more water-based foods into your diets, such as fruits and vegetables. You should try taking at least eight glasses of water per day or 2 litres daily.

7. Avoid clearing your throat too often

This action may lead to more tension in the throat muscles. This can also trigger other problems like frequent coughing, hoarse voice, and even chronic sore throats.

8. Speak in a low pitch voice when you are feeling stressed or anxious

Singing along to your favourite songs can be helpful because it helps the vocal cords relax while making them stronger at the same time.

Try not to engage in long conversations when you have a cold. If your voice is hoarse, rest for 24 hours or until the symptoms pass. If you do choose to speak while having a cold, then limit yourself to short conversations and avoid speaking in public because this could make other people fall ill too.

9. Avoid using throat sprays if not necessary

Unless you are using a high-quality, medically-approved throat spray, it is best to avoid using these products. Most of them are made with harsh chemicals that can irritate the throat.

If you feel your voice needs more lubrication, then consider adding a few drops of essential oil into water or milk before drinking or try some warm honey mixed with lemon juice. These ingredients help moisturize the vocal cords so they can function smoothly.

10. Limit yourself when talking to others over the phone

If you are using a cell phone, then place it on speaker mode so your voice will not be strained. If possible, try avoiding speaking with too many people at once because this causes tension in the throat muscles and makes it harder for one’s vocal cords to produce smooth sounds.

During conversations, try to speak slowly with a deep tone so the person on the other line can understand you better. Make sure to pause often when speaking because this allows your vocal cords some time to rest and recover before continuing to speak.

It is also recommended to avoid shouting as this can cause more tension in the throat muscles and make it harder for one’s vocal cords to produce smooth sounds. If you do need to shout, then try lowering your volume a little bit at a time so you don’t strain your voice too much.

11. Work out regularly

Exercise can help you build strength and improve your breathing techniques. It also helps the vocal cords produce smoother sounds.

It is recommended to take part in a cardio activity such as running, biking or swimming at least twice per week for about 30 minutes each session. You can also try yoga because it has been known to relax muscles and increase one’s lung capacity.

12. Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep helps to avoid fatigue and voice strain. It also helps the vocal cords recover after a long day of talking and produce smooth sounds.

Your body needs to rejuvenate so it can continue to produce quality sounds; this is why you should get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night.


Here are some additional answers to questions usually asked about softening/sweetening your voice that may come in handy.

What type of food is good for improving voice?

Honey, low-fat fish, almonds, low-fat meat are some of the best foods that can be consumed to improve a person’s voice.

How can I make my voice sweet naturally?

The best way to have a sweet voice naturally is to have good breathing techniques, do vocal exercises, eat voice-friendly foods, work out, and sleep well.

What can I eat to sweeten my voice?

Honey, essential oils, low-fat fish and meats, green leafy vegetables, and foods with high water content are great for sweetening a person’s voice. They are also great for the body to prevent dryness in the throat muscles and vocal cords.

What are some ways I can naturally relax my voice?

Yoga, meditation, singing, visualizing yourself speaking smoothly are all good ways of relaxing your voice.

How can I soothe my vocal cords?

Try to drink warm water with lemon juice or honey mixed in it for added moisture and soothing effects. A few drops of edible essential oil into water or milk before drinking is also an excellent way to moisturize your throat muscles so they can produce smooth sounds.

Final Thoughts

Sweetening your voice will require you to take consistent action for a period of time. All you have to do is follow these simple tips and try practising them at least twice per day till they become a habit. It will take time, but if you keep up with it, soon enough, finding your sweet voice won’t be an issue anymore. Best wishes.